Clean cooking initiative

We promote and implement the clean cooking initiative. We offer services in the development of more efficient clean cooking stoves as alternatives to charcoal and wood for household cooking.

Our stoves have high burning efficiency and use clean fuels such as ethanol and LPG. Clean cooking stoves have many benefits including but not limited to greenhouse gas emissions reduction, ensuring indoor quality air and good health, and protecting our forests from deforestation in the hunt for charcoal and wood, etc.

1. Distribution of clean cooking stoves

We collaborate with governments, businesses, organizations, and other stakeholders to implement large-scale clean cooking stove programs. Oladgen Energies acts as a bridge and help in reaching a broader audience in urban and rural areas thus ensuring a more comprehensive and sustainable approach to using LPG, and bio-ethanol stoves.

2. Collaboration and partnership

We collaborate with governments, businesses, organizations, and other stakeholders to implement large-scale clean cooking stove programs. Oladgen Energies acts as a bridge and help in reaching a broader audience in urban and rural areas thus ensuring a more comprehensive and sustainable approach to using LPG, and bio-ethanol stoves.

5. Evaluation and Monitoring

We provide monitoring and evaluation services to assess the impact of clean cooking stove projects. This includes measuring the reductions of greenhouse gases, improving indoor air quality, positive health outcomes, and other social impacts.

6. Community engagement and participation
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3. Education and awareness campaigns

We run awareness campaigns and educational programs for communities on the importance of using clean cooking stoves. This information includes but is not limited to GHG emissions reduction, improved air quality, health benefits, reduced stress on forests, impacts of climate change, and other economic advantages of adopting clean technologies.

4. Social entrepreneurship
We understand that the charcoal and wood business has employed thousands of people with whom the transition away from charcoal and wood will be challenging. Oladgen works closer with the local communities to support social entrepreneurs so that they can be empowered and create economic opportunities in alternative fuels and clean cooking stoves.